Something I am struggling with in these times: when shame is used by oppressors as a point of pride and that shamelessness turned to be used as a cudgel against others, how do we respond? The relentless "shaming" of Internet has made the idea of "shame" something entirely different than it once was. From social media influencers ("see how perfect MY life is?") to dark hate-filled trolls in the comments, the Internet has made shame a different thing than it once was. Now we can "shame" anonymously (although the response is far too often personal and dangerous). When denial of any shared truth other than a hateful rhetoric and embracing of the shame for those views is considered a point of pride and a sign of "strength", how does one stand up to that?

There is a cartoon going around of a man standing in front of a line of Tesla trucks, similar to Tiananmen Square. While it is a demonstration of courage and individual morality, it did not work out well for the citizens of China as they tried to stand up to their oppressive government. I fear we are seeing "resistance" as doing things that may be futile. Are there other methods of strong, compassionate resistance?

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I think we will have more public opportunities to nonviolently resist as this goes along. But we need to do it in community. Find your people and train together how to best face the days ahead.

And even if resistance turns out to be futile, I refuse to bend my knee to oppression.

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I appreciate the deeper understanding you've offered to this Biblical passage. I've felt palpable anxiety over disruption and chaos that's taken place since Jan. 20. Lives here and globally have been struck hard not just on cheeks but in their whole being. We may do well to engage in spiritual Ta'i Chi in turning aside to let fools pass. Another Substacker, Olivia of Troye, who left before the T-1 crumbled, offers five non-violent resistance points that I believe underscores this message - Jesus wasn't a pushover, and neither should we be. @GretchenSmith505405

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Can you share a link to her post?

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The link to "Hope in the Face of Totalitarianism" is https://www.livingitwitholiviatroye.com/

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